Production hydrogen & Oxygen from water project


The objective: Find out the chemical (electrolyte) with cheaply used to fast release hydrogen from water. Chemical can be made to release the hydrogen gas quickly or slowly as required. The equipment allows work continuous Applicability high, wide range of technological applications, can be made ​​to serve for many different industry. High safety and operation of fully automated Create the source of hydrogen – oxygen clean, safe and not difficult in the storage and transportation of because machine make it be immediately uses Equipment and spare part is available on the market The equipment can move, simple to use, easy transfer of technology. Applications:

–          It can welding, cuts steel with high temperature (about 3000oC).

–          Cook ceramic, steel, glass or anything need high temperature.

–          Make cooker burning waste, medical waste…

–          Can research for application more industry.


1        Principle of technology

2        Make machine for release hydrogen- oxygen

3        Machine release hydrogen-oxygen from water capacity 2KW

4        Verification quality and specification of machine

5        Effective of project (calculate on machine 2KW and 5 KW):

6        Cost study and produce machine for release hydrogen -oxygen

7        Some picture of project:


  • Principle of technology:
  • Principle of technology:
  • Dicription: Water mixed electrolyte, after that it be pour in bottle. Based on pressure balance, water will be came electrolytic tank. Here, under the influence of electric current 220V. Water is released to hydrogen and oxygen. This mixture is through an air-conditioned to reduce temperature. Finally, it’s lead to equipment use.   b). Principles of electrolysis release hydrogen from water (picture H1) The water (clean) is mean material, it’s mixed electrolyte for increase the electrical conductivity of water.  Use power voltage 220V to electrolysis water, under the effect of electric current, the linkage inside of the water molecules are destroyed. Release hydrogen and oxygen..                                       2H2O-> 2H2 + O2             The hydrogen and oxygen is released together. So that, it can burn in high temperature (about 3000oC), the adjust temperature in lower is possible through control oxygen output at air-conditioned. Principle of this machine is to produce how much air is used up. No stock, no high pressure ( normally 1,5 Kg/cm2), there are equipment to prevent  fire after electrolysis. The system must be has auto valuefor safety work.                 Picture H1   2-      Make machine for release hydrogen- oxygen Based principle of electrolyte to release hydrogen –oxygen we can make 3 machine as: 1 – Machine 2KW (capacity 2KW) use for welding steel, aluminum…glass, gold industry… 2 – Machine 5KW use for cut steel, metal… 3 – Machine 20KW use to boiler, cook glass, steel,ceramic… Besize that, we can make machine with any capacity depend on needed of end-used.   3-      Machine release hydrogen-oxygen from water capacity 2KW A –

Specification: Model: KH2

– Size:(DxRxC): 600x460x600 (cm) (picture H2)

– Weight: 92 kg. – Ability release air: 240l/0.5 bar.

– Pressure: 1.5 kg/cm2. – Power: 220V-50Hz,  ampe : 10A.

– Consumes power capacity: 2.0kW.

– Consumes of water : 0.66 liter/hr

– Auto safety value, prevent fire system.                                                                      Picture H2   B

– Composition – Water tank ( picture 3) Water tank is designed by Inox 304 (thickness 3mm, pressure 300kg/cm2), prevent detonation.

Volume is 6 litle. There is an auto safety value in 6kg/cm2. And a relay control pressure in tank. If pressure over 1,5kg/cm2 is OFF and below 0.8kg/cm2 ON There is pipe leads water to electrolytic tank Picture H3     – Electrolytic tank (picture 4) Electrolytic tank is make by Inox 304, thickness: 8mm. – 02 electrode to release hydrogen-oxygen in tank. – 03 pipe: pipe Ф 8mm lead water from water tank . Pipe Ф 6mm lead air to up for balance pressure when working. And a pipe lead air to air-conditioned           Picture H4 –          Fan. There is a fan for antipyretic all machine.   –          Febrifugal tank (H5+H6)   There are 2 febrifugal tank  for output. The air will to 30oC when through this. The first febrifugal tank can reduce temperature of output, prevent blow-up. The second  febrifugal tank can control temperature of end-used about 1000oC                                                                                                         Picture H5                                                      Picture H6             –          Electrical system. Picture H7   4-       Verification quality and specification of machine –          Measurement and testing safety of machine: Pressure working:0.15 Mpa Pressure adjustment in safety valve: 0.6 Mpa. Results: achieve about safety.   –          Ability release gas: capacity: 0.24 m3 gas /1hr, in condition pressure 0.5 Mpa   –          Measurement & testing parameter:       Voltage: 220V-50Hz;        Capacity comsume: 2.0 kW.     About test quality of hydrogen-oxygen and temperature when burning, don’t has any center in Viet Nam have ability for do that. Certificate of patent Certificate of safety verification   Measurement & testing of power Measurement & testing capacity and pressure   A fact testing quality of hydrogen – oxygen at factory. Because don’t has any center have ability for verify it, so that we test by fact-use at factory for welding steel, metal, ceramic… the quality is good. Productivity of electrolysis is very high about 90 – 95%. The temperature about 2800 – 3000oC         5-      Effective of project (calculate on machine 2KW and 5 KW):   In fact, the found research technology and hydrogen processing equipment with low cost will reduce the cost of raw materials used in the industry, thereby lowering production costs, to benefit businesses and people consumers.   First: Calculate the cost to produce 1 liter of hydrogen and oxygen   Measurement results of the Vietnam Institute of Metrology for the modulated of hydrogen-oxygen machine 2kw shows in 1 hour can be modulated 0.24 m3 at 0.5Mpa pressure adjustment condition (equivalent to 1200 liters of gas)

Cost for manufacture 1200 liters of gas is 10.400 VND, include:

-Electronic fee: 2kw/h x 1200 đ/kw    = 2,400 VND

-Clean water (0.06liter/hr) and chemical: = 500 VND -Woker work in 1 hour: 1 person x 1.500.000VND/month/26 days/8hour/day = 7.200VND/hour work -Depriceation machine: 7.090.000 VND/10 years/300 days/year/8 hour = 300VND So, cost for make 1 liter hydrogen – oxygen gas is 8,6 VND

Second: application steel cutting testing hydrogen gas with steel cut by now commonly used. For testing steel plate has a length of 17 m with a thickness of 25 mm, the number of employees as follows (01 person). The following results: v        The fuel cost for used gas is 77,200đ.  Included:

–           Gas: 0.5kg x 34.000 VND/kg                         = 17.000 đ

–           oxygen used for burn and blow: 1 bottle x 60.000 đ/bottle  = 60.000 đ –           Depriceation machine (machine, soldering gun, gas bottle, oxygen)          = 200 đ   v

Used hydrogen prepare machine 5kw for steel cutting cost is 43,650đ, Included: –           Electric 5kw x 1 hour x 1.200 đ/kw = 6.000 đ

–           Oxygen used for blow steel: 6/10 bottle x 60.000 đ/bottle  = 36.000 đ –           Clean water, chemical = 1.000 đ

–           Depriceation machine = 650 đ

So when using hydrogen gas to cut 17 m of 25 mm thick steel, save 33.550 VND compared to using natural gas (save 43%)   The result shows that, using hydrogen-oxygen in the production of high economic efficiency through cost savings compared to the use of other common gases. In the production process when using gas or oil to use more oxygen to support fire to be burned to create energy, while hydrogen is a gas (including hydrogen) to be able to fire, fire flame focus is not diffuse, adjust easily so energy can save costs arising

Hydrogen is one of the burn gas with high heat, up to 3000 ᴼ C while the temperature of the coal only from 1600-1700 ⁰ C, the temperature of the gas from 1000 to 1200 ⁰ C, should save a lot of fuel and special features when applied to combustion of hazardous waste incinerator will be solved to be content dioxide and other toxic contaminants discharged into the environmen

With the industry need clean energy (no toxic emissions), the use of hydrogen is the ideal choice to replace traditional energy sources such as gas, coal, petrol oil … baked porcelain is one of energy industry not only need with high heat, but also need clean, to ensure the quality of the product. Typically today, baked porcelain to use natural gas, not coal or oil because dirt will create damage to the product. however, if using gas, production costs high, low profits. If you use alternative hydrogen gas will bring high efficiency, reduced cost of production.

On the other hand, the cost to produce hydrogen machine is not high.

6 – Cost study and produce machine for release hydrogen -oxygen

Total cost for this project is $300,000 included:

–          Certificate of patent.

–          03 machine for make hydrogen-oxygen with capacity: 2KW, 5KW, 20KW. –          The Design of project separated pure hydrogen and oxygen and keep in tank.

7 – Some picture of project: Machine make hydrogen-oxygen  Machine 2KW   Insize of machine Test quality of gas by welding steel with ceramic  Owner of project engineer Vu Hong Khanh (Mr. Khanh) left and Tommy (Mr. Kien) Video:


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